Site publisher

This site is published by Luxcontrol S.A.

Responsible for the content regarding general information and services :

Luxcontrol SA

8, Boulevard des Lumières
L-4369 Belvaux
Tel.: +352 54 77 11 1
Fax: +352 54 79 30

Managing director  : René Jost
Trade and Companies Register : RC Lux.: B15664
TVA identification number TVA : LU 113 536 61

Legal notice

Luxcontrol maintains this site to present its activities while making every effort to provide up-to-date information. Errors or ambiguities cannot be avoided, and Luxcontrol will not guarantee the accuracy of the data at any time.

Luxcontrol accepts no responsibility for any use of the information contained in the pages published on this site.

This site may link to external sites over which Luxcontrol has no influence and for which it accepts no responsibility.


© Luxcontrol S.A.  All rights reserved.

Any pictograms, photographs, images, texts, video clips and other documents featured on the Luxcontrol website are protected by copyright and subject to the laws protecting intellectual property. Reproduction of all or part of the information is permitted only with the prior and written approval of Luxcontrol S.A.

Data protection

Personal data are treated in a strictly confidential manner and only within Luxcontrol companies. They are in no way transmitted to third parties.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation, which is effective as of May 25th 2018, you have the right to request access and modification of your personal data, you can also object to their treatment.

You can exercise your rights by sending an email to :   .

Personal data protection charter

We take care to process the personal data of our customers and persons visiting our website in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Personal data is understood to be any information that identifies, or can be used to identify, a natural person.

In all cases, we only process data necessary for legitimate purposes :

  • to satisfy the requests of our customers or potential customers
  • to provide them with a quality service
  • to execute a contract
  • in the context of commercial exchanges
  • during marketing campaigns
  • following requests on our website

The data is used with full transparency, leaving the owner of the information with the right to request consultation, correction or deletion. In any case, the data are not transferred to third parties, unless required by law, and are kept only for a period necessary to enable us to provide our services, to comply with the laws in force, or to resolve disputes with any party.

We will only sub-contract to service prov iders with a commitment to data protection comparable to ours. We will ensure that only data that is relevant and necessary to deliver the service is sent to them.

Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be implemented to protect the data against alteration, loss or unauthorised access. Persons who consider that their personal data have been violated (by accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or disclosure) may lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority of the EU Member State where they reside or with the competent supervisory authority of the EU Member State where the alleged violation took place.

For any question related to this Charter, the owner of the information can go to  . In order to respond confidentially to a request, we will ask for official proof of identity (e.g. a copy of their identity card). Enquiries will be processed as soon as possible and in accordance with legal requirements.

This Charter forms part of our general conditions of sale. It is regularly updated, so we ask data owners to consult this web page periodically.